
Monday, December 10, 2012

Cinnamon Apple Waffles

$3.39 total / $.42 per serving

I can honestly say this recipe changed my day for the better! Not only because it is delicious but because it also gave me the opportunity to help someone. I was thinking up what I wanted to make this morning and I had everything I needed for some tasty cinnamon apple waffles. Sounds delicious, right? Alas, for some reason, I felt like I just had to have some apple cider to put in the batter. I mean, I HAD to have it!

So I ran to the new Trader Joe's that just opened and scored a 64oz bottle for $2.99. I bought my precious apple cider and I got in the car, turned up the heat because it was 25 degrees and snowing outside, and started to drive home. As I exited the parking lot, I saw a man that I have become familiar with over the last year. I see this man almost every day on my way to the University; he is homeless and he was wearing only a hooded sweatshirt and jeans. I am immediately struck with a feeling of relief because it has been a while since he has been on his usual corner, I was worried he had died. Then, I realize that he has probably been standing in the snow for hours. I cried the whole way home; I couldn't help it. I was overcome by the obvious need that he had while I was fixating on 'needing' apple cider for my waffles!

So when I got home, I asked my husband through tears how we could help. We rummaged through the house and gathered up some cold weather gear. I decided that our breakfast could wait so that I could heat up some of the Scalloped Potato and Ham Chowder from our dinner the night before. We got everything together and went on our way to provide some sort of warmth for a homeless man on this snowy freezing day. Turns out, that homeless man's name is Bill. When my husband asked him how old he was, he smiled and said that he will be turning 62 on Thursday. As he ate the food that we brought him, he began to tell us his hopes of being off the streets at the new year. Turning 62 means that Bill will qualify for Social Security and get to the top of the list for housing. He realized that he would be penalized for not waiting until he was 65 to receive SS but he also said that he didn't know if he'd make it that long either. Bill was just released from the hospital after being treated for severe pneumonia.

I didn't anticipate when I woke up how much of an impact today would have on me. I feel truly blessed to have gotten the chance to finally talk with Bill and hear his story. When my husband and I got home, he asked me if I had read Bill's sign. I had taken a glimpse of it but hadn't read it the whole way through. He told me the sign read "Help the homeless." The simple fact that Bill had not just been concerned about himself but also other homeless people really struck a chord with Jake. He felt encouraged to keep giving and to tell others about this story. The Christmas season is upon us and many feel more generous this time of year. I hope that through reading this story, you can find something that you can give to someone in need. Whether it is your food or simply your conversation, someone can be blessed by your outreach of kindess and you can too. I know that this recipe will now hold a place close to my heart for that very reason.

Nutritional Highlight: Apples. Leaving the skins on the apples is very important for nutritional purposes. The skins are full of dietary fiber, phytochemicals (which are naturally found in plant foods and help prevent diseases like cancer) and other trace minerals and nutrients. 

Cinnamon Apple Waffles
(Serves 6-8)

2 Eggs
2 Cups Flour
1 3/4 Cups Apple Cider (or milk)
1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil
1 Tbsp Brown Sugar
1 Tbsp Cinnamon
4 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Nutmeg

Apple Syrup

2 Apples, cored and chopped
1/2 Cup Sugar
4 Tbsp Water
4 Tbsp Honey
2 tsp Cinnamon

Preheat your waffle iron. For the waffles, beat eggs in a large bowl until fluffy. Beat in all other ingredients just until the batter is smooth.

In between cooking the waffles or while someone else is manning the waffle iron, grab a small saucepan. Mix all ingredients for the syrup over medium-high heat until it begins to boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and let simmer for 7-10 minutes. Stir the syrup occasionally to make sure the sugar doesn't burn. When you have your desired consistency, remove from the heat.

Prepare your waffles however you wish (my husband likes tons of butter, me not so much!) and then top with syrup. Enjoy!

Nutritional Analysis:

Waffles: 294 calories, 15.3g fat, 35.4g carbohydrates, 4.8g protein, over 15% daily value of calcium, manganese, selenium and thiamin

Syrup: 134 calories, 0g fat, 35.8g carbohydrates, 0g protein

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to try these, they sound amazing! and Jake have hearts of gold. Saying a prayer for Bill. Keep up the good work, Jess!
