
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Grocery Shopping

Tips for successful shopping:

1.) Plan ahead, evaluate your pantry and make a list

2.) Go alone!
3.) Never go while hungry
4.) Buy in bulk for best prices
5.) Buy seasonal produce for best prices
6.) Stick to shopping the perimeter of the store and only deviate when grabbing something from your list
7.) Avoid impulse buys (except on marked down meat)
8.) Limit trips to once or twice a month

I know, this sounds ridiculously stupid. These are no brainers, right? Then why do we still find ourselves running to the store right after work, starving, and then leaving with 9 extra items? I know I do occasionally. Then I get home, eat, start to put groceries away and think to myself, "Dang it! My stomach totally had its way with me!" 

So plan ahead. Take a day to go through your pantry, figure out what you have on hand, what you need to refill and what additional items you need to make meals for XX nights depending on your schedule. You may find it easiest to only plan week by week. I like to do one major shopping trip and then small trips only to stock up on produce and dairy.

The one thing I allow myself to buy on impulse is in the meat department. Most of the time, the store I go to has different specials on things like chicken breast, roast, or pork chops. I'll buy them when I see that they are a significant savings from regular price. Then when I go home I will separate whatever it is into portions and freeze for when I plan meals next month. 

I'll give you more tips to save money soon!

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