
Friday, January 4, 2013

Eggs a la Jess

$0.73 total

This is my go-to summer breakfast whenever I have pesto available. I can't get enough of it! This stuff is seriously tasty and will keep you full until lunch time rolls around. Not only is the breakfast incredibly delicious, it is also super fast. I can make this in less than 5 minutes so it is great for mornings where you are rushing off to a long day at school or work.

Nutritional Highlight: Eggs. Eating an egg is a great way to start the day due to the protein content, the variety of vitamins and minerals offered among other health benefits. While many foods are fortified with Vitamin D, eggs are one of only a few foods that contain Vitamin D naturally. The egg yolk contains many of the nutritional benefits contained in the egg including fatty acids and choline. Choline is a nutrient that is also found in breast milk; it supports brain development when we are babies and also keeps our brain healthy as we age.  

Eggs a la Jess (serves 1)

1 Egg
2-3 Tomato Slices
1 Whole Grain Toast
2 Tbsp Pesto

Heat a skillet on medium heat and spray with nonstick cooking spray. Cook the egg to your liking. (My preference is sunny side up or over easy.) Meanwhile, toast your bread. When your toast is ready, spread the pesto over the top. Then layer with tomato. When the egg is ready, place it on top and season with salt and pepper.  Voila! Finito!

Nutritional Analysis:

Per serving: 308 calories, 16.9g fat, 27.1g carbohydrates, 13.8g protein and over 15% daily value of Vitamin A, Folate, Manganese, Phosphorus, Riboflavin and Selenium

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