
Monday, January 21, 2013

Localize 2013

New Year's Resolutions. I don't know about you but I am pretty into making a list for things I would like to accomplish throughout the new year. I'm a list maker. That's what I do. For me, it helps to organize my thoughts and allows me to check up on my progress fairly easily. One of my biggest new year's resolutions for 2013 is to buy more food locally.
I filled up this entire bag with produce for less than $6 at the Community Co-op Market!

This has been a goal of mine for a while but it always seemed a little intimidating and out of reach. I really didn't know where to begin. After starting this food blog and meeting some people that were into the 'buying local' scene, I decided just to jump in and do it! I did a little research and found multiple food co-ops and farms through community supported agriculture in my area.

Community Supported Agriculture is great for people who want to pay upfront and have their groceries delivered at steady intervals throughout the growing season. Many CSA's will have options for produce, dairy and meat.

Food Co-ops are great for people who want to do some shopping themselves, have a bit more flexibility and a low starting cost.

For me, starting out with a food co-op is what sounded like the most convenient and do-able thing for my family. I decided to check out The Community Co-op because they have open markets twice a week as well as online ordering. They run on volunteer service to keep the prices low and annual membership of only $5!

I picked up my first 'share' from them this weekend. They have several options of online orders ranging from a standard share (pictured above) to individual items and other local goodies. I was amazed at all of the food I got for just $27!

I have been encouraged so far with the items I have received as well as how much money I have been saving. I feel like my goal for the year is much more attainable than I did a few months ago. Please follow along as I navigate this journey to buy my food locally. I'll keep you up to date with recipes as I eat more seasonally.

What local products do you love? I would love to hear any tips you have about buying local or eating seasonally as well!

With Love,

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