
Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Right now, I feel like life is ripe for the picking.

My husband and I found out right after the new year that I am expecting. With my previous pregnancy being ectopic, we took the news day by day not knowing exactly how it would play out. Fortunately, every test and every appointment has gone without complication. I have been able to enjoy a healthy pregnancy for the last seven months. Life is a beautiful thing.

I was also given the opportunity to teach a 6-week series for incoming freshman at the University of Utah through the TRiO program. The class focuses on eating well on a budget - a topic that I couldn't be more passionate about. I was thrilled at the opportunity and have been excited to get started and meet the students. I am currently in week 3 of the series and have really enjoyed getting to know the students and showing them practical hands-on skills that they can utilize for years to come.

Yet another blessing is the abundance of raspberries my bush has yielded this year. Oh my, the raspberries! They are incredibly fragrant and sweetly tart. I simply cannot get enough of them. I have found myself putting them in everything! Hopefully, I can benefit some of you with the recipes I have come up with.

We've been getting a bowl this size every other day this week!

There will be much more to come.

With Love,

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