
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Frittata Florentine

$3.03 total / $0.76 per serving

Nutritional Highlight: Part-Skim Ricotta Cheese. High in calcium and selenium, ricotta cheese helps build your bones and protects your body from free radicals. Choosing the part-skim variety will reduce your saturated fat intake while still allowing you to benefit from the complete protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Frittata Florentine (serves 4)

¼ cup 1% milk
6 large eggs
¾ cup part-skim ricotta
¼ cup swiss
4 strips bacon
3 small potatoes, peeled and cut into coins
3 handfuls fresh spinach

vegetable oil

Place bacon on a baking sheet, lined with foil, place sheet in a cold oven. Turn oven to 400 degrees. Set a timer for 17 minutes; check bacon. Once cooked to your preference, let cool. Stack each strip on top of the other and chop into pieces. Leave oven hot.

Meanwhile, pour approximately 2 tbsp vegetable oil in a large saucepan. Line with cut potatoes in a single layer. Season with salt and pepper. Cook for about 7 minutes on medium-high heat until golden. Flip and repeat. Once golden on both sides, transfer potatoes to a plate lined with a paper towel. Wilt spinach in the same pan using leftover oil. Remove spinach once wilted.

Whisk together the first 4 ingredients in a small bowl. Line pan again with cooked potatoes, top with spinach. Add egg mixture. Top with bacon. Cook for about 2 minutes until the egg mixture thickens. Finish off in the oven for approximately 15 minutes until eggs are set. ****Don’t forget the pan has been in the oven; keep the handle towards the back of the stove once removed**** (I speak from experience!)

Nutritional Analysis:

Per Serving: 404 calories, 20.4g fat (9.2g saturated, 1.7g polyunsaturated, 5.7g monounsaturated), 27.8g carbohydrate, 27.5g protein. Extremely high in Vitamins A, B-12, B-6, C, Calcium, Folate, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Riboflavin, Selenium, and Zinc. Very high in Vitamin D, Copper, and Thiamin. High in Vitamin E and Niacin.

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