Saturday, March 9, 2013

I'm trying to give myself some grace . . .

I will be putting up a couple posts at the beginning of next week!

Life is really crazy at the moment with midterms, working extra hours, and trying to keep my sanity. :) I love this blog and plan to continue to post to it. However, it will probably be only once or twice a week for a while until summer break.

I get in these patterns where I try to do everything all at once AND I want to do them all perfectly. Do you ever do that? I just run myself into the ground because I don't want to give anything up!

Sadly, I have to pull back on something and because this blog is 'extracurricular', I have to be responsible and lower my standards for how many posts I can put up.

Feel free to follow me on Facebook so you know when I post a new recipe or if I quickly share a meal or two in between posts.

Thank you all for the amazing support and encouragement throughout this process! It has really been amazing. I am eagerly awaiting summer so I can share more delicious money saving recipes!

With Love,