DIY: Sustainable Living


I've recently converted to using all natural ingredients when cleaning my house and it has been surprising to me how much easier it is to clean! Seriously. I hated deep cleaning because of all of the scrubbing and getting light headed from the chemical fumes. Cleaning solutions can be caustic and dangerous. I'll share an example with you: When Jake and I were first married, I cleaned the shower and must not have rinsed it out thoroughly enough when I was finished. The next morning, I jump in the shower to get ready for work and start to feel light-headed. I didn't know what was happening, I was disoriented and then I began to vomit. Jake woke up from the sounds of me crying and vomiting in the shower! The chemicals from the cleaning solution were vaporized with the steam so I was accidentally asphyxiating myself! It was really scary!!!!

Now, I don't have to worry about being inadvertently poisoned and I can take a break from scrubbing so darn much. I have found that the all-natural solutions work much better for me than traditional cleaner! What is even better? It costs significantly less to clean this way, it's good for the environment AND safe for your family. I'll post pictures and recipes for the solutions I use as well as my best practices. I've only been doing this for about a month so I'll be trying new things and learning along the way!


I will share my favorite natural recipes and tips for skin and hair health.


I'll be posting projects that repurpose items for a new use as well as anything crafty I've been working on.

DIY Christmas Cheer


I'll give you tips on how to garden where you live. There are several things you can do, even in the city or without a yard!

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